+33 (0)3 89 58 80 50
Open today from 09h00 to 12h00 and from 14h00 to 17h00

Scierie hydraulique : Musée de Mandray

60 route de la Scierie

88650 Mandray


tél. 07 67 42 87 52


Cultural and leisure facilities


In the heart of a picturesque village, come and discover a site where, since the 16th century, a waterwheel has successively driven a flour mill and then a sawmill, which is still operational today.
Discover an ingenious mechanism capable of transforming a tree into a plank by the sheer force of water.
Follow the path of the water as it cascades over the wheel from canal to siphon, driving the formidable mechanism that powers the saw blade.
Guided tours, sawing demonstrations, permanent exhibitions, animated models and a bucolic stroll help you understand all the secrets of this hydraulic sawmill and the world around it.
Open all year round for groups by prior arrangement.
Guided tours during school vacations and summer: see on site. Suitable for children and handicapped accessible.

Type of site to visit

  • Museum and planetarium


See the availability calendar

means of payment

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