+33 (0)3 89 58 80 50
Closed today

N°11 Chapelle de la Goutte du Prince

68660 Rombach le Franc


tél. 03 89 58 80 50



Circuits, sentiers et itinéraires

Venue of the event

  • Le Grand Rombach

Type of path, circuit

  • hiking path

Type of hiking path

Tracé KML

Difference in altitude (in m)

  • 322

Length of the itinerary

  • 7,4

Length of visit/event

  • 2h15

Level of difficulty

  • Intermediate


The Val d'Argent valley splits into deep valleys where nature reigns supreme. The valley's dwellings quickly disperse, giving way to a varied forest dotted with meadows, stubble fields and isolated farms. As proof, this walk from the Chapelle de la Goutte du Prince will offer you a pleasant moment of tranquility and isolation.
The Barthélemy barn boasts an astonishing collection of mushrooms. At Danigoutte, you'll be greeted by animal sculptures. A great little stroll that's sure to delight young and old alike.
You can download the hike in the Documentations file below.

Type of marking

  • Club vosgien


See the availability calendar


from 01/04/2024 au 30/09/2024

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09:00 18:00








Distance (km) to nearest station: 18

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