+33 (0)3 89 58 80 50
Closed today

N°13: Le Sentier des Roches

Col de Fouchy

68660 Rombach le Franc


tél. 03 89 58 80 50



Circuits, sentiers et itinéraires

Venue of the event

  • Col de Fouchy

Tracé KML

Difference in altitude (in m)

  • 404

Thèmes du circuit

Length of the itinerary

  • 12,8

Length of visit/event

  • 4h

Level of difficulty

  • Challenging


From Col de Fouchy, take the D48 down 100m towards Rombach-le-Franc, then turn left onto the small road to Prérébois. This hike is not too difficult in its initial version, due to its limited distance and altitude difference. The same is not true of the more challenging variant, which is well worth the effort: the Frankenbourg castle, visible from the Rocher du Coucou, is a real treat for the quality of its architecture and the panoramic views it offers.
You can download the hike in the Documentations file below.

Audience concerned

  • Couple
  • Groups

Type of marking

  • Club vosgien


See the availability calendar


from 01/04/2024 au 30/09/2024

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09:00 18:00








Distance (km) to nearest station: 18

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