+33 (0)3 89 58 80 50
Open today from 09h00 to 12h00 and from 14h00 to 17h00

N°10 Le Hury

68160 Sainte Croix aux Mines


tél. 03 89 58 80 50



Circuits, sentiers et itinéraires

Venue of the event

  • Salle des fêtes

Tracé KML

Difference in altitude (in m)

  • 339

Length of the itinerary

  • 9,5

Length of visit/event

  • 2h30 min

Level of difficulty

  • Intermediate


The first part of this walk offers some beautiful views, followed by a forest atmosphere, before finishing with a panoramic view of the Hajus. Le Hury owes its name to coal mining, which was very important in the 18th century until the Revolution. The place, originally called houillerie, has evolved to become today's "Hury".
You can download the hike in the Documentations file below.

Audience concerned

  • Adults (individuals)

Type of marking

  • Club vosgien


See the availability calendar


from 01/04/2024 au 30/09/2024

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09:00 18:00








Distance (km) to nearest station: 18

preparing download...