+33 (0)3 89 58 80 50
Closed today

N°8 : Bois Royal

place du Général de Gaulle

68160 Sainte Croix aux Mines


tél. 03 89 58 80 50



Circuits, sentiers et itinéraires

Venue of the event

  • Place du Général de Gaulle

Tracé KML

Difference in altitude (in m)

  • 574

Thèmes du circuit

Length of the itinerary

  • 11,3

Length of visit/event

  • 3h30

Level of difficulty

  • Challenging


This fairly strenuous walk takes place almost entirely in woodland. Ideal for hot summer days, it also offers some original views over the Petit Rombach valley.
Access to the ruins of Château d'Echery is unsafe and therefore not recommended.
You can consult the detailed hike in the Documentations tab below.

Audience concerned

  • Couple
  • Families
  • Groups

Type of marking

  • Club vosgien


See the availability calendar


from 01/04/2024 au 30/09/2024

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09:00 18:00








Distance (km) to nearest station: 15

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