+33 (0)3 89 58 80 50
Open today from 09h00 to 12h00 and from 14h00 to 17h00

Sawmill Musée Vincent

2B Rue Maurice Burrus

68160 Sainte Croix aux Mines


tél. 03 89 58 78 18



languages spoken : French

Cultural and leisure facilities

Length of visit/event

  • 1h30 min


The saga of the Vincent family traces part of the history of industrial change. Created in the mid-19th century by visionary craftsman Jean-Baptiste Vincent, this museum recounts the saga of the sawmill, whose operations have evolved with the times as technology has evolved. From the outset, the sawmill was equipped with an 1893 steam engine, manufactured by SACM and powered by a 1907 marine-type boiler. The sawmill is listed as an industrial heritage site.
The sawmill has not been in operation since 1990, but thanks to the determination of the founding fathers, the heritage remains intact.
The sawmill is open to visitors all year round from 1pm.

Type of site to visit

  • Museum and planetarium

Package visits offered

Acrivité en :

  • indoor

Audience concerned

  • Groups
  • Schools


See the availability calendar


from 03/01/2024 au 31/12/2024

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