+33 (0)3 89 58 80 50
Open today from 09h00 to 12h00 and from 14h00 to 17h00

Through the seasons

131 rue de lattre de Tassigny

68160 Sainte Marie aux Mines


tél. 03 89 58 86 49



languages spoken : French

Shops/sale of regional products


Ready-to-wear boutique, Au fil des Saisons, dresses women and men from 34 to 52 with brands combining varied looks and purchasing power.
You'll find a selection of elegant and refined clothes, as well as simple and dynamic sportswear, for every day or for special occasions.
Tuesday to Thursday, 9.30am to 12pm and 2.30pm to 6.30pm.
Non-stop opening on Friday and Saturday: Friday 9.30am-6.30pm and Saturday 9.30am-4pm.
Partner of the Carte d'Hôtes d'Alsace 2023, come and take advantage of it if you're on vacation in the area!


See the availability calendar


from 02/01/2024 au 31/12/2024

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means of payment

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